A new report calls attention to Connecticut’s role in helping its defense industry going forward.
The release of the report purposefully coincides with ongoing budget deliberations in the General Assembly, where state lawmakers, facing a $1.7 billion deficit, will have to make tough choices about what to cut, said Scott Bates, who commissioned the report several months ago when he was still the head of Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century, or CT21, a nonprofit organization of business and civic groups.
The release of the report purposefully coincides with ongoing budget deliberations in the General Assembly, where state lawmakers, facing a $1.7 billion deficit, will have to make tough choices about what to cut, said Scott Bates, who commissioned the report several months ago when he was still the head of Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century, or CT21, a nonprofit organization of business and civic groups.
“At a minimum, we want to make sure funds (for education and training programs) aren’t cut,” said Bates, who is now deputy secretary of the state. “At a maximum, we want to double down on these important investments.”