National Security

The student protestors in Hong Kong may have been forcibly cleared from the streets, but their cause represents a clear warning sign for the future of democracy in Asia – and a crucial test for America’s grand strategy of a…

On the outskirts of Kabul, at the foothills of snowcapped mountains, stands a haunting reminder of how far this land has fallen. The Royal Palace of Afghanistan is an empty, pockmarked ruin surrounded by dirt trails and goats. While it is true…

A capacity crowd attended an informative public forum sponsored by the Ridgefield Democratic Town Committee (“DTC”), Saturday afternoon, June 10, at Ridgefield Library. The forum focused on Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US election. Susan Cocco, former DTC chair,…

Election observation is a core element of the OSCE’s efforts to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Each OSCE participating State—including the United States—pledges to invite foreign observers to observe its elections. The United States plays an active…

Barack Obama’s favourite weapon, drones, are coming under fire: Washington claims they’re the best weapon to fight extremists, but allies say they’re fed up and human rights point to the collateral damage: hundreds of innocent civilians killed. Cyril Vanier and…

A new report calls attention to Connecticut’s role in helping its defense industry going forward. The release of the report purposefully coincides with ongoing budget deliberations in the General Assembly, where state lawmakers, facing a $1.7 billion deficit, will have to make…

Congressman Jim Himes and Connecticut Deputy Secretary of the State Scott Bates will headline a public forum “Russia, the US, and Trump” at Ridgefield Library on Saturday, June 10, 2-3:30 pm. Sponsored by the Ridgefield Democratic Town Committee, the forum…

An effective approach to homeland security finds terrorists based on the actions of individuals, not their religion. Targeting a single religious or ethnic group simply overloads already swamped intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Additionally, as we have seen with a…

Washington D.C., Dec. 20 (CNA) The head of an American think tank suggested Thursday that Taiwan should purchase submarines to strengthen its naval deployment amid the growing military imbalance between Taiwan and China. Taiwan can put pressure on the Chinese…